


Invest in your Communication. If not Adesso, when?



Raccontiamo efficacemente il tuo brand sul web
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Scopri i nostri lavori

Atman *
Not just fine dining: the care for the raw materials, the open kitchen and the stunning Villa Rospigliosi make Atman one of the most striking starred restaurants.
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Rebecca Gioielli
Collaborare con Rebecca Gioielli significa poter raccontare per immagini l’essenza di ogni collezione con contenuti originali.
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Gelateria Dondoli
The challenge of this project was to translate Sergio's personality and the creativity of his ice creams into images.
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The Stellar
We brought to life the transit advertising campaign for The Stellar, a restaurant in the heart of Florence with innovative and quality cuisine.
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Studio Marchi
Rappresentare al meglio lo staff e gli ambienti dell’attività. Questo è l’impegno che ci siamo presi con lo Studio Dentistico Marchi.
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Tiziano Colasante
Con i saldi di primavera è nata la necessità di trasmettere la vitalità del brand Tiziano Colasante attraverso una campagna all’altezza.
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Atman *

Rebecca Gioielli

Gelateria Dondoli

The Stellar

Studio Marchi

Tiziano Colasante

Not just fine dining: the care for the raw materials, the open kitchen and the stunning Villa Rospigliosi make Atman one of the most striking starred restaurants.

To collaborate with Rebecca Gioielli means being able to tell the essence of each collection with original content through outstanding images.

The challenge of this project was to translate Sergio's personality and the creativity of his ice creams into images.

We brought to life the transit advertising campaign for The Stellar, a restaurant in the heart of Florence with innovative and quality cuisine. 

To best represent the staff and environments of the practice. This is the commitment we took on with the Studio Dentistico Marchi.

With the spring sales came the need to convey the vitality of the Tiziano Colasante brand through a matching campaign.


Siamo Esperti di comunicazione

Servizio di Produzione video e Fotografia della nostra agenzia di comunicazione in Toscana

Photos and Video

servizio di Social media marketing della nostra agenzia di comunicazione in Toscana

Digital Marketing

servizio di programmazione web della nostra agenzia di comunicazione in Toscana

Webdev & E-commerce


Successful Experiences

If not Adesso when?